Docker Compose or Helm for Kubernetes
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Docker Compose or Helm for Kubernetes
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Customize the local deployment according to your needs:
Make sure to have Docker 27 or up. If you get an error about docker compose command not recognized, it's because your Docker version is old and not supported.
Make sure to have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
clone the repo:
git clone
run the preparation script and follow the instructions:
you can also find other variants for different setups as a starting point for your specific needs.
Make sure to have Helm binary installed and switch to your cluster context.
add the helm repository
helm repo add intuitem
get the default values
helm show values intuitem/ciso-assistant > my-values.yaml
check and adjust them to your needs, specifically the frontendOrigin
create a namesapce for your deployment
kubectl create ns ciso-assistant
helm install my-octopus intuitem/ciso-assistant -f my-values.yaml -n ciso-assistant
This setup is based on the fact that Caddy will handle the TLS on your behalf. In case you're experiencing ssl related issues, you might want to patch your ingress-nginx-controller to activate the enable-ssl-passthrough