Frequent questions

Didn't get the prompt for the first user

If you didn't get the prompt to create the first user, or lost the password but you still have access to the infra level, you can trigger the createsuperuser command to fix that.

In your compose file folder, try:

docker compose exec backend poetry run python createsuperuser

Alternatively, in a docker environment:

docker ps -a | grep backend (this will get you the id of the Backend for CISO Assistant container, keep it for the next step)

docker exec -it <the_container_id> poetry run python createsuperuser

and you should get a prompt now 😉

Random issues after upgrading

In some rare cases, the migration of database schemas can take longer than expected or fail silently. First thing to check is the backend container logs:

docker compose logs backend

Make sure you share these information if you're reporting an issue on Discord or the Support portal.

If you want to trigger the migration to make sure that all increments have been properly applied:

docker compose exec backend poetry run python migrate

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