Configure Okta as an Identity Provider for CISO Assistant
Last updated
Configure Okta as an Identity Provider for CISO Assistant
Last updated
© intuitem, 2018-2024
Go into your Okta admin console (it should look like this: https://<your_url>.okta.com/admin/dashboard
In the sidebar menu, click on Applications > Applications
Click now on Create App Integration
Select SAML 2.0 and click on Next
Choose an App name and click on Next
Add the Single sign-on URL: <base_url>/api/accounts/saml/0/acs/
(for example with localhost: https://localhost:8443/api/accounts/saml/0/acs/
) (see screenshot below)
Add the Audience URI (SP Entity ID), it has to be the same than SP Entity ID in CISO Assistant (see screenshot below)
Choose Email as the Application username
Add Attribute Statements
for user's first name
for user's last name
Click on Next and fill in the Feedback page as you wish then click on Finish
In the Settings box inside SAML 2.0:
Copy the Metadata URL and paste it into the Metadata URL field in CISO Assistant
Copy the Issuer url and paste it into the IdP Entity ID field in CISO Assistant
Go to the Assignments tab
Click on Assign and choose whether you want to assign users or specific groups
Add a user in your application doesn't automatically create the user on CISO Assistant
You can now configure CISO Assistant with the 3 parameters you've retrieved.